RAGA elects and re-elects Republican attorneys general nationally to promote and protect the Constitution, freedom, and opportunity for future generations. Core to our mission are the principles of a stable and predictable legal, business, and regulatory climate to ensure our communities are the safest places to live, work, and raise a family.

Protect the Constitution
Uphold the Rule of Law

Keep America Safe
America’s Last Line of Defense
No organization has been more effective than the Republican Attorneys General Association. As freedom’s cutting edge, Republican attorneys general were instrumental in challenging Obama-era overreach. Today, Republican attorneys general preserve the rule of law to ensure the rule of law and limited government perseveres. State attorneys general protect communities at the forefront, promote equal opportunity, and preserve our most basic freedoms.
At A Glance: 2023 – 2024
2021 was a historic year for RAGA as we elected Virginia’s first Latino statewide elected official, defeating an incumbent Virginia Attorney General for the first time since 1885. In 2022, RAGA made history once more by defeating the longest-serving attorney general in American history and electing Iowa’s first female Republican Attorney General. 2023 and 2024 will see 13 state attorneys general on the ballot and we will look to protect all of our Republican-held seats while expanding our majority of Republican AGs who will fight to protect free enterprise and the U.S. Constitution.
Current Number of Republican AGs
RAGA will be on offense in 5 states in 2023-2024
RAGA will defend 8 seats currently held by Republican AGs