The governing bodies of Virginia’s public and private high school athletics made the right decision yesterday to ban men in girls’ sports. Unfortunately, Jay Jones and Shannon Taylor, the two Democrat candidates for Virginia Attorney General, have refused to tell voters in the Commonwealth where they stand on this important issue.
Jones and Taylor’s silence on protecting girls is nothing new.
Last week, the pair of extremists were silent on celebrating National Girls & Women in Sports Day and had no reaction to new federal directives on Title IX that ban biological boys from competing against girls and will keep men out of girls’ locker rooms.
Where do Jones and Taylor stand on men competing against girls in high school sports and sharing locker rooms with them? Do they agree with VHSL’s policy update from yesterday? The voters deserve an answer from them today.
“Keeping men out of girls’ sports and locker rooms is commonsense, but it’s found Jay Jones and Shannon Taylor at a loss for words,” said RAGA Executive Director Adam Piper. “Virginians should know today where Jones and Taylor stand on these important issues of safety and fairness. Leaving these questions unanswered raises serious concerns about both Jones and Taylor’s priorities and what they would do if they controlled the levers of power in the Office of the Virginia Attorney General.”